
This is a story told in hindsight that begins with a mundane dream, shattered through mundane means.

Raina Ford is a rather exceptional developer in the field of spell design, a new emergent tech position in a world where “magic” and “science” mingle together. She works specifically with the creation of mechanical puppets uncreatively called “Dolls.” Raina hoped to use her time with her employer to land herself a membership to a pristine and exclusive library they own; an extensive and detailed archive of renowned award winning research anyone in the field would pay a hefty price for. It was time she unfortunately could not capitalize.

Barred from entry due to a “company restructure,” Raina finds herself returning to a familiar workplace and familiar co-workers as she mulls over losing the best opportunity she had to getting inside that library. That is, until, she meets someone who can give her a new opportunity. A new chance to get inside.

But it comes at a cost no one expected; a price that no one could’ve paid.

Zero Plane: The Library Vault is the first chapter in a series of stories told through the lens of an ordinary bystander who gets wrapped into something bigger than she knows. Currently in development!

(We did have it listed for a 2020 release window but uh…that didn’t happen. News soon)


 Zero Plane: The Library Vault
Staff Credits

Director, Writer, Character Designer

Vincent De Gracia

Art Director, Minor Character Designer






World COncept

J.J. Wodi